The Islamic marriage contract
  Marriage in Islam is based on a contract between a man and woman intending to be unified in marriage. Thus, as in any contract in Islam, there are elements which are considered essential to its existence, called 'pillars', as well as the possibility of stipulations of different kinds, legal effects... More
Oct 22, 2024
The Real Gift
  Islam has legislated the giving of the dower by the husband to the wife in order to please the woman’s heart and to honour her. It is also meant to bring an end to what was done in the Days of Ignorance wherein she was wronged, exploited, despised and robbed... More
Oct 22, 2024
Using Food for Cosmetic Purposes
  Allah The Almighty has created man in the best shape and form; He says (what means):    {He Created the heavens and earth in truth and Formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination.} [Quran 64:3] {Who Created you, Proportioned you, and Balanced you?} [Quran... More
Oct 22, 2024
Using Food for Cosmetic Purposes
  Allah The Almighty has created man in the best shape and form; He says (what means):    {He Created the heavens and earth in truth and Formed you and perfected your forms; and to Him is the [final] destination.} [Quran 64:3] {Who Created you, Proportioned you, and Balanced you?} [Quran... More
Oct 22, 2024
Accepting Non-Muslims' Gifts
  Question:   Am I permitted to accept gifts from my Christian friends on their holidays?   Fatwa:   All praise be to Allah The Almighty, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Him, and that Muhammad, , is His slave and messenger.   Muslims must have... More
Oct 22, 2024
When a Monitor and Mouse Steal Your Child Away…
  It was a happy family.   The mother was content, the father reassured, and the child used to play with his parents, sometimes with building blocks, and at other times with the ball. The family had frequent outings… to the club, to visit his paternal or maternal cousins, the funfair, the... More
Oct 22, 2024
Woman’s Work in the Scales of Islamic Sharee'ah
  The topic of woman’s work and her participation with man in public life has raised, and is still raising, much controversy. Those who call for woman’s work outside her house and taking part in men’s work put before their eyes the model of the West in this regard and their... More
Oct 22, 2024
Women's Impermissible Exposure of Beauty - I
  O Muslims, the issue of women is neither new nor easy. It is, in fact, a great issue that must be paid great attention to and things that could uproot evil and corruption in relation to them must be studied. It is an eternal issue, old and recent. It was... More
Oct 22, 2024
Women's Impermissible Exposure of Beauty - II
  O Muslims, listen to the Quran when it calls you by the most sublime name - believers. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they... More
Oct 22, 2024
Your Child and the Instilling of Faith - I
  Faith is the most important and greatest means that must be instilled firmly and deeply in children’s hearts, since faith is the life of the hearts and the foundation of any structure. Without a foundation, any structure will soon collapse.   Shaping your child fiducially requires principles and basics that serve... More
Oct 22, 2024
Your Child and the Instilling of Faith - II
  (Continued)   7- Likening matters of the unseen to other matters of the unseen that have a certain image in the human mind. For example, Allah The Almighty does this to the Zaqoom Tree, Saying (what means): {Its emerging fruit as if it was heads of the devils.}[Quran 37:65] Traditionally, the... More
Oct 22, 2024
Western women on a journey of faith
  It is a phenomenon that has made the headlines in “The Times” newspaper of London and stirred public conversation from Helsinki to Halifax to Hawaii. It is a bit baffling to most Westerners, but nonetheless a reality that they are coming face-to-face with: Western women, with all their freedoms and... More
Oct 22, 2024
Family violence against women in the West - III
  In previous articles, we have unveiled the reality of the violence that the woman in the West suffer. In this article, we will complete the file of violence against women in the West.   In Canada   A Canadian organization that surveyed married women revealed that the capital witnessed the highest rates... More
Oct 22, 2024
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