France and the Hijab - people who keep themselves pure!
The people of Loote, may Allah exalt his mention, would practice homosexuality and considered this to be the norm while they considered purity to be the exception. Hence, they fought purity and those who called for it, at the forefront of whom was Prophet Loote, may Allah exalt his mention.... More

Feb 16, 2025
Spinsterhood: A crisis for women and the society
An important report issued by the Central Bureau for Public Census and Statistics revealed that there are four million women in Egypt over the age of thirty, who have never been married. This is especially a cause for concern, as their future is bleak, considering that a great proportion of... More

Feb 16, 2025
The phenomenon of spinsterhood
One of the main reasons for the spread of this phenomenon is that some parents oppressively prevent their daughters from marrying suitable young men, despite the fact that the Prophet, said: "If a man whose religion and manners you approve of comes to you (proposing to your daughter), then give... More

Feb 16, 2025
Headache When Fasting
Question: I constantly suffer from a headache, especially when I fast. What could be causing this? Answer: Assalaamu ‘Alaykum There are many things that could be causing this constant headache. Migraine or stress could be causes of this. Secondary headaches result from organic problems, like sinuses, teeth problems, eye problems,... More

Feb 16, 2025
A Bad Odor from the Mouth While Fasting
Question: Since last winter, I have gotten myself into the habit of fasting every Monday and Thursday, acting upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, , and I thank Allah for this great blessing. However, many people criticize me because of an extremely bad odor that emanates from my mouth whenever... More

Feb 16, 2025